Console commands

The game engine console can be opened and closed by pressing F12 at any point. It will drop down from the top and show recent output. Just start typing and press Enter to submit. This article will explain every command that can be entered.

Entering any command and providing a question mark (?) as the first and only parameter will print a short description of the command.

Console command names are case-insensitive. However, parameters are case-sensitive.

DebugDrawFloorDraws the floorline
DebugDrawWallsDraws all walls
DrawAnimationInfoDraws animation information
GameModeForce the game mode of the current level. If no input is given, the current gamemode will be returned
ListDisksList all improbability disks
UnlockDiskUnlock the improbability disk with the given ID, or "all" to unlock all disks.
LockDiskLock the improbability disk with the given ID
CurrentLevelReturns the current level name
ConvarSet or get a gameplay configuration variable by key. Pass ?? as an argument to print every available key.
ExportCommandListWrites all commands and their descriptions to "" as a Markdown table. Intended for the documentation.
CrashCrash the game
GameVersionPrint the game version
PhysicsDebugToggle physics debug
WinLevelSet the body count to the target body count
LevelsLists all levels
SetLevelSets the level to the given level name. Enter 'SetLevel ??' to see a list of available level names
DisableAIDisables the enemy AI
EnableAIEnables the enemy AI
BenchmarkStart the benchmark sequence
DevModeSets development mode
GodSet God mode for the player
StopSoundStops all playing sounds
AutospawnSets autospawn
RefillMotivesRefill ammo, health, and dodge
VolumeSets or gets the current game master volume, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0
ReviveRevives the player
InfiniteAmmoSet infinite ammo for the player
GiveGives the player the weapon of their choice by codename. Enter 'Give ??' to see a list of available weapon names
LevelEditorOpens the level editor scene where developers can edit and create levels
WeaponEditorOpens the weapon editor scene where developers can edit and create weapons. Takes an optional filename argument to start editing an existing weapon.
ArmourEditorOpens the armour editor.
ClearDrawCacheClear the immediate mode drawing cache
DebugOpens the given debug scene. Enter '??' as a parameter to see a list of available debug scenes
DemoOpens the given demo scene. Enter '??' as a parameter to see a list of available demo scenes
TimescaleSets or gets the global time scale. This determines the speed of time-dependent operations
MainMenuSet the scene to the main menu
OnionDebugSet the Onion UI debug mode. E.g 'GuiDebug DrawBounds RaycastHit'
ShowStatsShows some performance stats in the top left corner of the screen. Expects true or false
EchoReturns the input string
ClsClears the console
QuitQuits the game
GetFilterGet the console filter
SetFilterSet the console filter. E.g 'SetFilter Error Warn'
UpsRateSets the update rate. Expects an integer. If a number smaller than 0 is given, this will just print the current rate.
FupsRateSets the fixed update rate. Expects an integer. If a number smaller than 0 is given, this will just print the current rate.
ListSystemsLists all systems in the scene
RemoveSystemRemove the system with the given name
ListEntitiesList all entities in the scene
ListComponentsList all components in an entity. Expects an integer
RemoveComponentRemove a component from an entity. Expects an integer and a string
RemoveEntityRemove and entity. Expects an integer
ListList all commands
CompositorProvides some control over the compositor at runtime
VersionPrints the game and engine versions
OnionClearClears the Onion UI cache, effectively resetting the UI scene
OnionScaleSets or gets the global Onion UI scale