Creating a mod

This guide will teach you the first step in creating a mod.

1. The mod folder

You first need to create a new folder inside the game's "Mods" folder. This folder is ideally named after your mod and is otherwise empty.

Target directory

Inside your newly created folder, you need to create a mod.json file in order for the game to detect it. You can create one manually by looking at the metadata article, or you can generate one using the online generator. An important detail here is that your author name and mod name should form a globally unique combination. Leave the scripts value as just script.cs for now, and leave the EntryPoint as Mod.Mod.

2. Script files

Create a script.cs file in the mod folder, as specified in the mod.json file.

Your mod folder should now contain two files: the mod.json file and a script.cs file. A .cs file is a C# file. C# is the programming language People Playground and all its mods use. This is where you'll write all your code as well.

Because this is your only script file, it will contain the entry point. This is where the code lives that is first executed by the game. The entry point path is specified in the mod.json file, and should be Mod.Mod in your case. Mod.Mod means "the Mod class , in the Mod namespace. This means your C# file should look like this:

using UnityEngine; //You'll probably need this...

namespace Mod
    public class Mod
        public static void Main()
            //This method is the entry point. 

That's it. This mod will show up in the mod list, but it doesn't do anything yet. If you know C#, read the API documentation.


This member is obsolete and should not be used. It is a remnant from the past.

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