public struct LaserHit
This nested type resides in Utils
A struct that describes a laser hitpoint generated by GetLaserEndPoint(Vector2, Vector2, ref List{LaserHit}, LayerMask, float, uint)
public RaycastHit2D? hit
The possible ray cast hit
public PhysicalBehaviour physicalBehaviour
The possible physical behaviour
public Vector2 point
The point in worldspace
public int rayDepth
Increments for each hit. If this was the first hit point, this value will be 0.
public float totalDistance
The total distance from origin to impact. The distance provided by hit.distance is inaccurate as it only accounts for the last raycast (if the ray went through glass)
public (constructor) LaserHit(RaycastHit2D? hit, Vector2 point, PhysicalBehaviour physicalBehaviour, int rayDepth)
No description provided
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