public class RandomPrefabSpawnerBehaviour

Inherits MonoBehaviour

Spawns a random prefab in random position in a shape

Nested types



public GameObject[] Prefabs

The prefabs to choose from. Cannot be null or empty. Entries cannot be null.

public float SpawnChancePerPeriod

[Range(0, 1)]

The chance per PeriodInSeconds for a prefab to be created

public float PeriodInSeconds

The period duration in seconds. This determines how long the behaviour will wait until deciding whether or not to create a prefab every loop.

public Shape SpawnShape

The Shape to use for choosing random locations in local space

public Vector2 Offset

The offset of the shape in local space

public Vector2 LocalTo

[NaughtyAttributes.ShowIf(nameof(IsLine))] [NaughtyAttributes.BoxGroup("Line")]

If the shape is a line, these control the two points in local space


This member is obsolete and should not be used. It is a remnant from the past.

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