public class ProjectileLauncherBehaviour
Inherits MonoBehaviour
, Messages.IUse
One of the first behaviours in the game, which explains the odd naming conventions. The behaviour launches a projectile on activation.
public Vector2 barrelPosition
Local barrel position
public Vector2 barrelDirection
Local barrel direction. Usually (1, 0, 0)
public GameObject projectilePrefab
Reference to the prefab that is to be launched. Can be null if projectileAsset
is set to some asset
public GameObject muzzleFlashPrefab
The effect to spawn when activated. Can be null
public SpawnableAsset projectileAsset
Reference to the asset that is to be launched. Can be null if projectileAsset
is set to some prefab
public bool IsAutomatic
Does it fire automatically?
public float AutomaticInterval
How much time there is between shots if the launcher is automatic
public float projectileLaunchStrength
The amount of force to launch with
public float recoilMultiplier
The amount of recoil
public AudioClip launchSound
Reference to the audio clip that is played when something is launched. Can be null if LaunchClips
is populated
public AudioClip[] LaunchClips
An array of audio clips that are played randomly when something is launched. Can be null or empty if launchSound
is set
public AudioSource launchAudioSource
Reference to the audio source that plays the noises. The sound is played from the PhysicalBehaviour if this is null, which is usually fine.
public float ScreenShake
Amount of screenshake when something is launched
public bool ShouldPutProjectileInOtherLayer
Should the projectile be put on a different layer when created?
public int LayerToPutProjectileOn
The layer to put the projectile on if ShouldPutProjectileInOtherLayer
is set to true
public UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent OnLaunchEvent
Unity event that is invoked when something is launched.
public bool RemoveLaunchedObjectsWithMe
Should the behaviour destroy all launched objects when it itself is destroyed?
public void Use(ActivationPropagation activation)
No description provided
public void Launch()
Launch the projectile
public Vector2 GetBarrelPosition()
Get the barrel position in global space
public Vector2 GetBarrelDirection()
Get the barrel direction is global space