public class Preferences

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public CollisionQuality CollisionQuality

[Setting(C.General, "Collision quality", "Determines the quality of the collision detection. " + "Discrete mode is much faster, but less accurate. " + "Continuous mode prevents objects from passing through each other at high velocities. " + "Dynamic mode switches between the two based on velocity.")] [Sort(0)]

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public bool StopAnimationOnDamage

[Setting( C.General, "Stop animation on damage", "When enabled, entities will reset their animation override if they are damaged. " + "For example, a human will stop walking when shot.")]

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public bool DropOnDeath

[Setting( C.General, "Drop on death", "When enabled, humans and androids will drop objects when their arms aren't capable of holding on anymore. This is usually when they die or when their arms are shot. Default is on.")]

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public float ShakeIntensity

[Setting( C.General, "Screenshake intensity", "Adjust the intensity of the screenshake. Default is 1x.")] [Range(0, 2)] [Format("{0}x", 1, 2)] [Step(0.01f)]

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public bool ShowOutlines

[Setting( C.General, "Show hovering highlights", "Toggle whether selection, freezing, and wire highlights are drawn or not. Useful for recording.")]

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public float SlowMotionSpeed

[Setting( C.General, "Slow motion speed modifier", "Determines how much slower the time will pass in slow motion mode. Default is 20%.")] [Range(1, 100)] [Format("{0}%")] [Step(1)]

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public bool AmbientTemperatureTransfer

[Setting( C.General, "Ambient temperature transfer", "Heat will travel through the air when this is enabled.\n" + "If disabled, heat can only be transferred through heat pipes and direct contact.\nThis setting may decrease performance when enabled. " + "It is disabled by default.")] [Sort(4)]

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public int PhysicsIterations

[Setting( C.General, "Physics iteration count", "Determines the amount of physics iterations for the physics simulation. " + "Higher values cause the simulation to be more accurate at the cost of performance. " + "Ragdolls are designed for a value of 16, so their behaviour might change when this is set differently. Default is 32.")] [Range(1, 128)] [Sort(1)] [Format("{0} iterations")]

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public bool ShowModLoadingFreeze

[Setting( C.General, "Alert when mods significantly affect loading times", "When enabled, an alert will appear when mods cause increased loading times.")]

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public bool RejectShadyCode

[Setting( C.General, "Reject suspicious mods", "When enabled, the game will reject mods with suspicious code. Takes effect after restart. \n" + "<color=#F55><b>It is recommended to keep this enabled. Mods that ask you to disable this setting should be reported.")]

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public int MaxModCompilationTime

[Setting( C.General, "Maximum mod compilation time", "The maximum amount of seconds that a mod can compile for until it the process is terminated.")] [Range(2, 120f)] [Format("{0} seconds")]

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public bool GorelessMode

[Setting( C.Gore, "Goreless", "No blood or obvious gore will be rendered when this is enabled.")] [Sort(-1)]

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public bool ProceduralFragments

[Setting( C.Gore, "Procedural fragments", "Enabling this will cause the generation of procedural flesh and bone fragments on full limb crush. This may cause performance issues when lots of limbs are destroyed.")] [Sort(-1)]

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public float FragilityMultiplier

[Setting( C.Gore, "Fragility multiplier", "The higher this value is the more fragile entities become.")] [Range(0.05f, 2)] [Format("{0}x", 1, 3)] [Step(0.05f)]

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public bool LimbCrushing

[Setting( C.Gore, "Limb crushing", "Toggle whether limbs are fully destroyable or not. When enabled, limbs will turn into red mist under extreme pressure.")]

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public bool BrainDamage

[Setting( C.Gore, "Brain damage", "Toggle whether brain damage can occur. It causes organisms to occasionally pass out, fail to stand upright, and have seizures.")]

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public bool LimbOverflowExplosion

[System.Obsolete] [HideInSettingsMenu] [Setting( C.Gore, "Liquid overflow limb exploding", "Toggle whether limbs explode when too full of liquid. Disabled by default. " + "Will only take effect if limb crushing is enabled.")]

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public GoreShaderMode GoreMode

[Setting( C.Gore, "Gore shader", "Choose between different gore shaders.")]

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public bool AutoHealWounds

[Setting( C.Gore, "Slowly heal injuries", "Wounds and injuries will slowly heal on living organisms when this is enabled.")]

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public bool ChunkyShotParticles

[Setting( C.Gore, "Extra shot impact particles", "Limbs with enough flesh on them may eject chunky particles when shot.")]

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public bool DismembermentLooseTissue

[Setting( C.Gore, "Dismemberment loose tissue", "Dismemberment of limbs may expose loose stringy tissue.")]

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public float CrushForceMultiplier

[Setting( C.Gore, "Limb crushing sensitivity", "Determines how much force is needed to crush a limb. Default is 100%.")] [Range(0, 2)] [Format("{0}%", 100)] [Step(0.05f)]

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public BloomMode BloomMode

[Setting( C.VisualEffects, "Bloom", "Bloom is a post processing effect that gives the illusion of objects being extremely bright.")] [Sort(7)]

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public bool TracerBullets

[Setting( C.VisualEffects, "Bullet tracers", "Toggle whether bullets have travel time and display tracers. This degrades performance. Off by default.")]

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public bool FancyEffects

[Setting( C.VisualEffects, "Fancy effects", "This will toggle relatively performance-heavy effects.")]

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public bool Decals

[Setting( C.VisualEffects, "Decals", "Toggle whether decals are created. Disabling decals may improve performance.")]

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public bool Lighting

[Setting( C.VisualEffects, "Lighting", "The lighting system makes dark areas actually dark, and makes light-emitting objects useful. " + "Disabling lighting will make everything \"full bright\". Lighting has very little impact on performance.")]

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public float MasterVolume

[Setting( C.Audio, "Master", "The volume of the entire application.")] [Range(0, 1)] [Sort(0)] [Format("{0}%", 100)] [Step(0.01f)]

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public float SfxVolume

[Setting( C.Audio, "Sound effects", "The volume of all items and effects in the game.")] [Range(0, 1)] [Sort(1)] [Format("{0}%", 100)] [Step(0.01f)]

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public float UserInterfaceVolume

[Setting( C.Audio, "User interface", "The volume of UI elements.")] [Range(0, 1)] [Sort(3)] [Format("{0}%", 100)] [Step(0.01f)]

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public float AmbienceVolume

[Setting( C.Audio, "Ambience", "The volume of the ambient hum and other background noises.")] [Range(0, 1)] [Sort(2)] [Format("{0}%", 100)] [Step(0.01f)]

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public float AmbienceHighpassCutoff

[Setting( C.Audio, "Ambience Highpass", "Highpass cutoff. Ambient audio will not play any audio below this frequency. This is useful if you suffer from crackling audio issues. 90 Hz is the default and recommended value here.")] [Range(50, 500)] [Sort(3)] [Format("{0} Hz")] [Step(1)]

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public bool ClampVolume

[Setting( C.Audio, "Clamp audio volume", "Audio can play at volumes that exceed set limits. It is recommended you keep this turned on to prevent hearing damage. You enable this at your own risk!")]

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public bool DistantSoundEffects

[Setting( C.Audio, "Distant sound effects", "When enabled, things like explosions and guns can be heard reflecting and echoing in the distance. Disabling this setting makes audio processing a bit less demanding.")]

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public bool LogDebugMessages

[Setting( C.UserInterface, "Log debug messages", "Debug messages will be logged as notifications in-game. Messages include warnings, errors, and unhandled exceptions. It is recommended to keep this off.")]

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public bool ShowFramerate

[Setting( C.UserInterface, "Show framerate", "Displays the current framerate in the top-right of the screen.")]

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public float ZoomSensitivity

[Setting( C.UserInterface, "Zoom scroll wheel sensitivity", "Determines how fast zooming using the mouse wheel is. Default is 1x.")] [Range(0, 2)] [Format("{0}x", 1, 2)] [Step(0.1f)]

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public int ThermalVisionUpdateRate

[Setting( C.UserInterface, "Thermal vision update rate", "How often should the thermal vision be updated?")] [Range(10, 60)] [Format("{0} Hz")] [Step(5)]

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public bool DeleteWireByContextMenu

[Setting( C.UserInterface, "Wires with context menu", "Toggle whether wires block the context menu for the underlying object.")]

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public TemperatureUnit TemperatureUnit

[Setting( C.UserInterface, "Temperature unit", "Determines the temperature unit used throughout the game. Celsius by default.")] [Sort(5)]

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public bool VSync

[Setting( C.Video, "Vsync", "With Vsync turned on, the framerate will be capped to the refresh rate of your monitor. This minimises screen tearing.")] [Sort(1)]

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public bool SMAA

[Setting( C.Video, "Anti-aliasing (SMAA)", "Anti-aliasing attempts to get rid of jagged edges.")]

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public TonemappingMode TonemappingMode

[Setting( C.Video, "Tonemapping", "Change the way HDR colours are displayed.")] [Sort(5)]

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public float Brightness

[Setting( C.Video, "Brightness", "Modify the final exposure value. Default is 100%")] [Range(10, 400)] [Format("{0}%")] [Sort(4)] [Step(5)]

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public float RenderScale

[Setting( C.Video, "Render scale", "Downscale the resolution that the game is being rendered at.\n<b><color=#ff9>This only applies when the window mode is set to Borderless or Fullscreen.")] [Range(.25f, 1f)] [Option(.25f, .5f, .75f, 1f)] [Sort(1)] [Format("{0}%", 100)]

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public int FramerateLimit

[Setting( C.Video, "Framerate limit", "Determine the upper bound of the framerate.\n<color=#ff9><b>This will only take effect if Vsync is disabled.")] [Range(30, 1000)] [Sort(3)] [Format("{0} fps")]

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public bool SimplifiedBackground

[Setting( C.Video, "Simplified background tiles", "A simplified background may help decrease compression artifacts in screen recordings. Simplified rendering does not increase performance.")]

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public WindowMode WindowMode

[Setting( C.Video, "Window mode", "Determines the way the window is presented.")] [Sort(0)]

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public Vector2Int? Resolution


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public bool ShowTutorial


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public float ToyboxSizeOffset


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This member is obsolete and should not be used. It is a remnant from the past.

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