public class PlayRandomClipBehaviour
Inherits MonoBehaviour
Behaviour that just plays a random clip from the given array on the given source / PhysicalBehaviour
public AudioClip[] Clips
Clips to choose from. Cannot be null or empty!
public AudioSource Source
Source to play from. Can be null if a PhysicalBehaviour is assigned and UsePhysicalBehaviourAudioSource
is true
public PhysicalBehaviour PhysicalBehaviour
PhysicalBehaviour to use for audio playback. Can be null if a Source is assigned and UsePhysicalBehaviourAudioSource
is false
public bool PlayOnStart
Should a clip be played on Start?
public bool UsePhysicalBehaviourAudioSource
Should the clip be played from the given PhysicalBehaviour?
public void Play()
No description provided
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