public class PhysicalProperties

Inherits ScriptableObject

[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "PPG/Physical Properties")]

This class describes the physical properties, aka material, of an object.


public PhysicsMaterial2D PhysicMaterial

The Unity physics material.

Unity documentation:

public bool Sharp


Determines if the material is sharp anywhere. This has to be true in order for the other sharpness-related properties to be effective.

public float SharpForceThresholdMultiplier

The amount of force necessary to lodge this material into another.

public float LodgeStrengthMultiplier

The amount of force necessary to dislodge this material.

public SharpAxis[] SharpAxes

An array that describes all the points on this material that are supposed to be sharp.

public float Softness

[Space] [Range(0, 1)]

How easily sharp objects stab this object. Ranged from 0 to 1.

public float BulletSpeedAbsorptionPower

Determines how much of the kinectic energy in bullets is absorbed by this material.

public float Brittleness

[Range(0, 1)]

How easily bullets go through this material.

public float Buoyancy

How much this material floats on water.

public float Flammability

[Range(0, 1)]

How easily this material starts burning.

public float MagneticAttractionIntensity

How much this material is attracted to magnets. Has to be more or equal than 0.

public bool Conducting

Whether this material conducts electricity.

public float Burnrate

[Range(0, 1)]

How fast this material burns (burn progress per second). Ranged from 0 to 1. These values are usually very low.

public float BurningTemperatureThreshold

The temperature at which the material starts burning.

public float HeatTransferSpeedMultiplier

[Range(0, 1)]

Determines how fast heat transfers from this material to other materials.

public AudioClip[] SizzleSounds

The sounds this material makes when it is touched by a hot object. Can be null.

public AudioClip[] SoftImpact


The sounds this material makes when it collides softly.

public AudioClip[] HardImpact

The sounds this material makes when it collides with a lot of force.

public float ImpactIntensityMutliplier

This member has a spelling error. It determines how much harder the material considers the force of an impact.

public float HitVolumeMultiplier

Determines how loud impact sounds are. 1 means 100% as loud, which is the default value.

public AudioClip SlidingLoop


The sound this material makes when it slides or rolls.

public AudioClip[] StabSound


The sound this material makes when it gets stabbed. Can be null.

public GameObject ShotImpact


The prefab this material instantiates when it is shot. Can be null.

public bool IsPoolable

Is the shot impact effect a poolable object?

public bool SparksOnSlide

Should this material create sparks on slide?


This member is obsolete and should not be used. It is a remnant from the past.

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