public class Penetration
This nested type resides in PhysicalBehaviour
Represents an object stabbing another object.
public PhysicalBehaviour Stabber
The object that did the stabbing.
public PhysicalBehaviour Victim
The object that has been stabbed.
public SliderJoint2D Joint
The associated slider joint.
public float Duration
The amount of time this penetration has existed. Used to prevent the stabber from falling out immediately after it has lodged itself in.
public SharpAxis Axis
The associated SharpAxis
on the stabber.
public List<Collider2D> RelevantColliders
The colliders that the stabber ignores collision with.
public Vector2 CurrentConnectedAnchor
The local anchor on the victim
public bool Active
Is this penetration still ongoing?
public Vector2 GetDirection()
Get the current (!!) world space normalised direction of the penetration
public Vector2 GetPoint()
Get the current (!!) world space point of the penetration
public float GetCurrentDepth()
Returns the depth of the stabber in the victim.
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