public class Global

Inherits MonoBehaviour

The Global behaviour. It exists at all times when a map is loaded. It provides useful functions and references to other objects.


public AudioMixerGroup SoundEffects

The SFX audio mixer

public AudioMixerGroup Ambience

The Ambience audio mixer

public AudioMixerGroup UserInterface

The UI audio mixer

public Material SelectionOutlineMaterial

The selection outline material

public Material FrozenOutlineMaterial

The frozen outline material

public List<PhysicalBehaviour> PhysicalObjectsInWorld

All physical objects currently in the world

public Dictionary<Transform, PhysicalBehaviour> PhysicalObjectsInWorldByTransform

All physical objects currently in the world by transform. This should be used to get the PhysicalBehaviour component off any transform.

public CameraControlBehaviour CameraControlBehaviour

The main camera control behaviour.

public new Camera camera

The main camera.

public FireLoopSoundControllerBehaviour FireLoopSoundControllerBehaviour

A reference to the fire loop sound controller that is currently active.

public EventSystem eventSystem

The active UI event system.

public GameObject PauseMenu

The pause menu object

public bool ShowLimbStatus

Determines whether or not "Detail view" should be enabled. ToggleLimbStatus should be used instead.

This is misnamed because "Detail view" used to be called "Limb status view".

public static Global main

The main instance of this behaviour, accessible from everywhere.

public VideoSettingsInitBehaviour VideoSettingsInitBehaviour

The active instance of the video settings initialisation behaviour.

public BellClipContainer BellClips

The currently active BellClipContainer.

public MixerControllerBehaviour MixerControllerBehaviour

The currently active mixer controller behaviour.

public ResizeHandles ResizeHandles

The currently active resize handles.

public Vector3 MousePosition

The current world-space mouse position.

public Vector3 CameraSpeedCompensatingMousePosition

The current world-space mouse position that is compensated by for the camera movement speed.

public float SlowmotionTimescale

The target timescale when slowmotion is enabled

public int ActiveUiBlockers

The amount of active UI blockers. This is different from UILock.This value is incremented when an object registers itself as a "ui blocking object".

public WorkshopUploaderDialog WorkshopUploaderDialog

The current workshop uploader dialog box.

public LayerMask EnergyLayers

The layer mask of energy objects. These are objects that do not collide with the world but can collide with other energy objects like energy swords and blaster bolts.

public Material GlobalFoliageMaterial

The one instance of the foliage material. This is shared across all foliage.

public Material GlobalParticleFoliageMaterial

The one instance of the foliage particle material. This is shared across all foliage.

public CatalogToggleBehaviour CatalogToggleBehaviour

I am so tired.

public AudioClip[] WoodStrutStressClips

Audio clips that play when a wooden strut is under stress (I hate Unity)

public AudioClip[] WoodStutSnapClips

Audio clips that play when a wooden strut breaks (I hate Unity)

public float DynamicSqrdVelocityThreshold

The squared velocity threshold for switching between Discrete and Continuous collision detection. The real threshold is the square root of this value.

public GameObject MetalScrapePrefab

Instantiated for objects that need a scraping effect when its sliding around

public const float MetricMultiplier

Constant value that represents how many meters are in 1 Unity unit. You can multiply any translation value with this constant to get the amount of meters back.

Constant value: 2.2f / 2.67f

public bool UiEnabled

No description provided

public UnityEvent OnUiToggle

No description provided

public CanvasScaler CanvasScaler

The current canvas scaler.

Unity documentation:

public Color BloodColor

Not used by the game. It is a remnant from when the colour of blood was a global thing.

public DecalDescriptor BlastMarkDecal

This is a messed up bit of code. It is a reference to the blast mark decal.

public const float ChunkSize

A constant value that represents the size of a PhysicalBehaviour chunk. This relates to the chunk system mainly used by the fire propagation system.

Constant value: 1.5f

public const float InverseChunkSize

A constant value that is always equal to 1.0 / ChunkSize

Constant value: 1f / ChunkSize


public bool UILock

Read-only property that returns whether or not the mouse pointer is over any UI elements.

public static bool ActiveUiBlock

Read-only value that returns whether or not ActiveUiBlockers is greater than 0

public bool SlowMotion { get; private set; }

Determines whether slow motion is enabled. Cannot be directly. Use ToggleSlowmotion.

public bool Paused { get; private set; }

Determines whether the time is stopped. Cannot be set directly. Use TogglePaused.

public static RigidbodyInterpolation2D CurrentInterpolationMode

Read-only value that returns the current interpolation mode.When time is stopped, bodies stop interpolating to make sure the player gets to see the actual position of everything.When time moves, bodies start interpolating to make sure the player doesn't see bodies update at their actual rate of 50 Hz.

public static Vector3 CameraPosition { get; set; }

Read-only value that returns the main camera position independent from camera shake.

public static Vector2 MouseDelta { get; private set; }

Returns how much the mouse has moved in world space in the last frame.

public static float LastKillTime { get; internal set; }

Returns the time when the last being was killed by the player.


public bool GetPausedMenu()

Returns true if the pause menu is open

public void SetPausedMenu(bool value, string page = "Main")

Closes or opens the pause menu. There is an optional parameter that sets the menu page.

public void ClosePauseMenu()

Closes the pause menu.

public void OpenPauseMenu()

Opens the pause menu.

public void ToggleLimbStatus()

Toggles "Detail view". This should be used instead of setting the ShowLimbStatus value directly.

This is misnamed because "Detail view" used to be called "Limb status view".

public void AddAudioSource(AudioSource a, bool isAmbience = false)

Add an audio source to the automatic timescale based pitch adjustment system.

public void RemoveAudioSource(AudioSource audioSource)

Remove an audio source fromthe automatic timescale based pitch adjustment system.

public void AddUiBlocker()

Increment ActiveUiBlockers. This will block most game interaction. This should always, at some point, be followed by RemoveUiBlocker to prevent permanent interaction blocking.

public void RemoveUiBlocker()

Decrement ActiveUiBlockers

public void TogglePaused()

Toggle whether time is stopped.

public void ToggleSlowmotion()

Toggle whether slowmotion is enabled.

public IEnumerable<PhysicalBehaviour> GetPhysicsObjectsNear(PhysicalBehaviour me)

Returns an enumerable that returns all objects in the same chunk as the given object. The "radius" of this is determined by ChunkSize and the PhysicalBehaviour.ObjectArea of the object

public IEnumerable<PhysicalBehaviour> GetPhysicsObjectsNearPosition(Vector2 position, float radius)

Returns an enumerable that returns all objects near the given position with the given radius

public IEnumerable<PhysicalBehaviour> GetPhysicsObjectsNearPositionAccurate(Vector2 position, float radius, float accuracy = 1)

Returns an enumerable that returns all objects near the given position with the given radius.This is less performant than GetPhysicsObjectsNearPosition(Vector2, float) but will return much more accurate resultsNote that the "accuracty" parameter has no real impact on performance


This member is obsolete and should not be used. It is a remnant from the past.

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