public struct ExplosionParameters

This nested type resides in ExplosionCreator


A structure with all information necessary for an explosion. This is used by the ExplosionCreator.


public uint FragmentationRayCount

The amount of fragmentation rays. These rays are fired from the center of the explosion, evenly spread in a circle. This value usually ranges from 16 to 64.

public Vector3 Position

The center of the explosion in world space.

public float Range

The maximum range of a fragmentation ray.

public float FragmentForce

The amount of force that is applied to objects hit by fragment rays.

public bool CreateParticlesAndSound

When true, the explosion will create VFX and sound.

public EffectSize EffectSize

Determines the VFX to use

public float DismemberChance

The chance from 0.0 to 1.0 that a limb hit by a fragmentation ray is cut off.

public int BallisticShrapnelCount

If this value is more than 0, the explosion will emit "shrapnel". These are just bullets but they will never draw a tracer.


public bool LargeExplosionParticles { get; set; }


Deprecated. Use the EffectSize field instead.

When true and CreateParticlesAndSound is also true, the created effect is that of a large explosion. This has no effect on the actual explosion.


public (constructor) ExplosionParameters(uint rayCount, Vector3 pos, float range, float force, bool createFx, bool big, float dismember = 0, int shrapnelCount = 0)


Deprecated. Use the other constructor instead.

Constructs a structure with all information necessary for an explosion

public (constructor) ExplosionParameters(uint rayCount, Vector3 pos, float range, float force, bool createFx, EffectSize effectSize = EffectSize.Medium, float dismember = 0, int shrapnelCount = 0)

Constructs a structure with all information necessary for an explosion


This member is obsolete and should not be used. It is a remnant from the past.

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