public class CeilingTurretBehaviour

Inherits MonoBehaviour

Controls the ceiling turret


public float SightRadius


The entity detection radius of the turret in game units, not meters

public float MotorSpeedMultiplier


How much faster should the motor rotate?

public LayerMask LayerMask


What layers should be considered when scanning for entities?

public FirearmBehaviour FirearmBehaviour


A reference to the FirearmBehaviour that actually does the shooting

public HingeJoint2D Joint


A reference to the HingeJoint2D that controls the barrel

public UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent OnSight


Event that is invoked when the turret sees someone

public UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent OnLoseTarget


Event that is invoked when the turret loses sight of its target

public float SweepAnimationSpeed


How fast should the sweeping animation go?


This member is obsolete and should not be used. It is a remnant from the past.

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