public class CameraControlBehaviour
Inherits MonoBehaviour
This behaviour is attached to the main camera. It is responsible for moving the camera.
public float ZoomSpeed
The speed at which the player is able to zoom in and out using the scroll wheel.
public float MinZoom
The lower zoom bound. The player can never zoom out further than this.
public float MaxZoom
The upper zoom bound. The player can never zoom in further than this.
public Bounds BoundingBox
The camera can never move out of these bounds (extended by Extend
). They are automatically set by the game upon map load.
public float Extend
How much the bounding box is extended in each direction.
public float KeyboardPanSpeedMultiplier
How fast the camera moves if the panning keys are held.
public float KeyboardZoomSpeedMultiplier
How fast the camera zooms if the zoom keys are held.
public List<PhysicalBehaviour> CurrentlyFollowing
The PhysicalBehaviours that are currently being followed. May include null entries.
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