public class AutomaticSentryController
A brain for automatic sentry turrets.
public float SightRange
Maximum target distance
public UnityEvent OnShoot
Invoked when the sentry wants to shoot
public UnityEvent OnSight
Invoked when the sentry sees a target
public LayerMask LayerMask
The layers to scan for
public float AimFuzziness
The shooting accuracy threshold. The higher this value, the sooner the turret starts shooting at the target regardless of how well it has a shot
public bool HasTarget
Does the turret have an active target?
public (constructor) AutomaticSentryController()
No description provided
public void GetTargetMotorSpeed(Transform transform, Vector2 worldspaceBarrelPosition, Vector2 worldspaceBarrelDirection, out float motorSpeed)
Provided a parent transform, barrel position in world space, and a barrel direction in world space, this method will spit out the desired joint motor speed. This method is usually called every fixed update and the resulting motor speed is assigned directly to a motor.
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