
Every mod has a metadata file. Metadata files describe information about the mod itself. The file looks something like this:

  "Name": "No gore mod",
  "Author": "ActualHuman32",
  "Description": "This mod adds cool beans",
  "ModVersion": "1.0",
  "GameVersion": "1.8.1",
  "ThumbnailPath": "thumb.png",
  "EntryPoint": "Mod.Mod",
  "Tags": [
  "Scripts": [

Name is the mod name.

Author is the mod creator.

Description describes the mod.

ModVersion is the version of the mod.

GameVersion is the game version this mod was intended for.

ThumbnailPath is the relative path to the thumbnail image.

Tags is an array of strings that indicate what to categorise it by on the Workshop.

EntryPoint is the C# location of the mod entry point.

Scripts is an array of file paths that tell the mod loader what files to include. This is relative to the json file.

There is an online generator available here.


This member is obsolete and should not be used. It is a remnant from the past.

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